Monster Media 1996 #15
Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO
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C/C++ Source or Header
159 lines
// Example4.h - Demonstrates use of LsDoor SDK's databases.
#ifndef __Example4_HEADER_FILE__ // Using these can be a good habit.
#define __Example4_HEADER_FILE__ // And prevents multiple-inclusion.
struct playerType {
unsigned long num; // Needed to work the database
unsigned char bbshandle[20]; // Matches with user.handle
unsigned char handle[20]; // Asked, not the same as user.handle
unsigned short points; // Game stuff, not used in this example
unsigned short power; // Game stuff, not used in this example
} player;
// Indexing modes: (Future versions of lsDoor may add more)
// (0) Single Record - Do not use TData for this, see below...
// (1) Standard Database - Uses Indexes and full database support...
// (2) Independant - A complete database with no indexes...
// Single Record:
// The easiest kind of data to work with is single record. You needn't
// create any TData objects for single record data files. All you need to
// do is setup a couple of macros like these:
#define load_cfg() read_single("Example5.Cfg"), &cfg, sizeof(cfg), false )
#define save_cfg() write_single("Example5.Cfg"), &cfg, sizeof(cfg) )
// Standard Database:
// The C++ Class TData is the heart of all the databases except
// single-record. The first step is to create an object of TData (in
// this case we named it Player) using the file name, size of our data,
// and the indexing mode we want.
// TData::TData( char *filename, ushort datasize, uchar indexingMode );
#ifdef MainModule
TData Player( "Player.Dat", sizeof(player), 1 );
extern TData Player;
// The following macros are setup for use with an Indexed database. The
// key being used is 'player.bbshandle'. To use a Independant database,
// change the Indexing Mode above and then replace all occurances of
// 'player.bbshandle' below with NULL.
// You can have any number of databases, and any number of databases in
// use at one time. You don't have to create macros for them all, but
// we think it will probably speed things up.
#define open_player() Player.Open()
// Opens the database. Calls to this function may be nested as many times
// as needed (i.e. you can call the function 10 times provided you also
// call the close_player() function an equal number of times.) No matter
// what, the actual files will never be opened more than once. Note that
// this function has the side-effect of a reset_player() call, which
// close_player() will NOT undo. See below regarding reset_player().
#define next_player() Player.Load( (void *)&player )
// This loads the next record in the database. Note that the order of
// records is somewhat random. This is the easiest and fastest way to
// load data from a database except when using keys. This function
// will return false when it reaches the end of the database, otherwise
// it will return true and fill the 'player' structure.
#define reset_player() Player.Reset()
// This restarts the next_player() position to the beginning of
// the database. Open_player() also causes a call to this function.
#define save_player() Player.Save( player.bbshandle, player.num, (void *)&player )
// This function saves the 'player' data to disk. If the player.num is
// already in use, the old record of the same number will be overwritten.
// This allows you to modify a 'player' (modify anything except the
// player.num) and replace your older data. If the player.num does not
// exist, the new record is added. This function will also create (but
// not modify) a key using (in this case) player.bbshandle ONLY if the
// player.num does not already exist.
#define add_player() player.num = Player.GetHigh(); \
Player.Add( player.bbshandle, player.num, (void *)&player )
// This macro will save the current 'player' data to disk, and also assign
// new player.num to the 'player' structure. This is much faster than
// save_player() but cannot overwrite previous data. If indexing is
// in use, this function will also create the new key, in this case, using
// player.bbshandle.
#define delete_player() Player.Delete( player.num, player.bbshandle )
// To delete a record, load it into 'player', then call this function.
// This erases a 'player' record on disk and the key that goes with it.
#define load_player(NUM) Player.Load( NUM, (void *)&player )
// This loads the player by their number. Every record must have a
// unique ID given by add_player(). This function returns false if the
// player could not be found or on error. This function is fairly slow.
#define end_player() Player.end
// This function will tell you if NUM of the last load_player() call
// was past the end of the database.
#define close_player() Player.Close()
// Call to close an open database. Calls to Open and Close may be nested
// but require an equal number of calls to Open as to Close. See also
// open_player() above.
/////// Key related...
// These functions let you load data using Indexes, a very fast method.
// You must decide on what the key's will be, in this case we are using
// the player's BBS handle (player.bbshandle) for the keys.
#define find_player(W) Player.Load( (unsigned char *)W, (void *)&player )
// This function uses the char string W to find a matching key. The
// search is not case sensitive. If the key was found, the function
// fills the 'player' structure with the matching record and returns true.
#define change_player(Old,New) Player.Change( player.num, Old, New )
// This function MODIFIES a key. This does not CREATE a key. The keys
// are created by the save_player() and add_player() functions.
// Old and New are both char strings. You should load the 'player' data
// being changed before calling. An example where this might be used
// would be if the user changed their handle on the BBS. To be able to
// find the key ever again you have to change it to match the new
// user.handle.
/////// Rarely used and Obsolete functions...
#define version_player() Player.CheckVersion()
// This function most likely won't be needed by you. It does not give the
// version number of the database, but rather it gives the version of
// TData which it is using.
#define isopen_player() Player.isopen
// Obsolete, but available. Simply returns true/false whether the file
// is open or not.
#define high_player() Player.GetHigh()
// This function gives the highest player.num currently in use. Note that
// this does not indicate how many records are in the database, but rather
// it indicates how many records have been added since the database was
// first created.
#define key_player() Player.LoadKey()
// This function is almost nothing but trouble. It serves the purpose of
// returning the next key in the indexes so that you can compare it
// yourself. When you find the key you want, you can call
// thiskey_player() to fill the 'player' structure.
#define thiskey_player() Player.LoadThisKey() // Use with key_player()
#endif // End #ifndef __Example4_HEADER_FILE__
// End of Example4.h